The Irish Freedom Party candidate for the upcoming local elections in the Sligo-Ballymote-Tubbercurry LEA has a unique electioneering style.

Bernardo O’Reilly
2 min readMay 1, 2024


Incensed at the renovation of a hotel in Dromahair that had been lying derelict for years, James Conway (30) of Dromore West filmed himself threatening to pay a house visit to one of the developer’s home near Enniscrone.

Conway followed up on the threat and on Saturday afternoon filmed himself wielding a crowbar having spray-painted accusations of pedophilia on the walls of the house. A handy excuse for his latent violence it would seem.

Conway has a previous conviction for an unprovoked assault in an Easkey pub in 2021 that left a local man with a broken jaw.

Awaiting arrest outside the damaged house, Conway, acting like a reject from Hardy Bucks, told the guards to bring back up as he wouldn’t be going easy.

Once released on bail he posted another video claiming that 50 to 100,000 euros of damage had been done. He was soon back on the election trail in Dromahair with the full backing of the IFP leadership.

Conway hosted a festival on his land in Dromore West last summer after other venues pulled out upon learning that it was run by one of the biggest conspiracy lunatics in the country.

He tasted some fame in his 20’s as a video of him ranting about Apple taxes went viral. Previously an independent candidate in the 2020 GE, Conway secured 2.2% of the votes with promises to fight for farmers and rural communities. At least he got the fighting part done.



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