Bernardo O’Reilly
2 min readMar 16, 2022

“On Tuesday evening 15th March 2022, AFA members and supporters distributed over 2,000 leaflets to homes in East Wall and North Strand rejecting the racist National Party, who had scurried in and back out of the area at the weekend. There was a fantastic response from the Dockland community with local residents delighted to see the fascists branded as “racist rodents”. One put it very bluntly: “I couldn’t believe it when I saw their vile racist muck … They can f*** off with their hateful low intellect garbage.”

The fascists are cynically using the recent brutal murder of a woman to push their racist agenda. These hypocrites don’t care, and regularly promote misogynistic anti-woman policies. Recently a National Party member received a three-year jail sentence for an unprovoked and savage assault on a woman.

In fact, they don’t care about anyone. When a 16-year-old teenager died in East Wall last February, callous comments about the tragedy were posted on social media, part of a pattern of the far-right trying to exploit people’s suffering to promote their lies.

The East Wall area has a proud Republican, Trade Union and anti-fascist tradition. A local Republican, Jack Nalty (36) from East Road, was the last Irish volunteer to die fighting fascism in the Spanish Civil War and is considered a hero to many Spanish and Catalan people.

Well done to the large numbers of volunteers who delivered leaflets, and congratulations to the great East Wall Community for so clearly rejecting these anti-community parasites.”

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